The Metallurgical Ukrainika project was launched in 2021.
The main goal
of the project is to collect, store and increase the availability of
rare and valuable publications (XIX - first half of the XX century)
dedicated to the formation
and development of the metallurgical industry. E-copies of publications
from the funds of the library of NMetAU (now USUST) and libraries of
Ukraine, scanned by library staff of USUST, as well as electronic
resources borrowed from open Ukrainian sources are presented.
Brandt, A. A. (1915) Osnovaniya termodinamiki.
[Fundamentals of Thermodynamics]. (3rd ed.). (Part 1: Osnovnye
zakony. Gazy [Basic Laws. Gases]). Petrograd, Russian Empire: Tipogr.
A. E. Collins. (in Russian). 99.9 MB.
(Scanned by Terenina O. V.) Full
Gartman, F. (1907) Prakticheskoe rukovodstvo
dlya pokrytiya odnikh metallov drugimi. [A practical guide
to plating one metal with another]. (Is. II: Luzhenie. [Tinning])
Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Empire: Izdanie
G. V. Gol'stena. (in Russian). 6.0 MB.
(Scanned by Onufriienko M. M.) Full text
Gotlib, A. D. (1936) Osnovnye priyomy
regulirovaniya khoda domennoj pechi. [Basic methods of
regulation of blast furnace running]. Kharkov, USSR: GNTIU. (in
Russian). 10.2 MB. (Scanned by Radul M. A.) Full text
Gurzheev, S. (1915). Elementarnyy kurs
soprotivlenіya materialov i grafostatiki i ikh prilozhenbya k
mashinostroeniyu. [Elementary course of strength of
materials and graphostatics and their applications to mechanical
engineering] (4th ed.) Petrograd , Russian
Empire: Izdanie
L. F. Panteleeva. (in Russian). 90,6 MB.
(Scanned by Radul M. A.)
Full text
Heyn, E. (1904) Metallografiya v prilozhenii k
metallurgii. [Metallography as applied to metallurgy].
Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Empire: Izdanie
K. L. Rikkera. (in Russian). 29.9 MB.
(Scanned by Vereshchak T. B.) Full text
Izgaryshev, N. A. (1916) Elektrokhimicheskaya
razrushenіya metallov [Electrochemical theory of
destruction of
metals]. Moscow, Russian
Empire: Tipo-lit. Russkago Tovarishchestva (in Russian).
48,1 MB. (Scanned by
Vereshchak T. B.) Full
Izgaryshev, N. A. (1926) Galvanoplastika i
galvanostegiya [Electroforming and electroplating].
Moscow ; Leningrad, USSR: Gosizdat (in Russian).
50,7 MB. (Scanned by Vereshchak T. B.) Full text
Kistyakovskiy, V. A. (1912) Elektrokhimiya
[Electrochemistry]. (Vol. 1, pp. 1-181). St.-Petersburg, Russian
Empire: Tipo-litogr. Shredera (in Russian). 81,5 MB. (Scanned
by Onufriienko M. M.) Full
Kistyakovskiy, V. A. (1916) Elektrokhimiya
[Electrochemistry]. (Vol. 2, pp. 287-389). Peterograd, Russian Empire:
Tipogr. R. G. Shredera (in Russian).
50,7 MB. (Scanned by Radul M. A.) Full text
Lаuеnstеin, R. (1908) Mekhanika. Ehlementarnyj
kurs. [Mechanics. Elementary course]. Sankt-Peterburg,
Russian Empire: Izdanie K. L. Rikkera. (in Russian).
85.1 MB. (Scanned by Bondar L. M.) Full text
Ledebur, A. (1896) Metallurgiya chuguna, zheleza
i stali. [Metallurgy of cast iron, iron and steel]. (Vol. 1:
Chast' obshchaya. [Part General]) Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Empire:
Izdanie knizhnago magazina V. Ehrikson. (in Russian). 192 MB.
(Scanned by Onufriienko M. M.) Full text
Ledebur, A. (1898) Rukovodstvo po chuguno- i
[Guide to iron and steelmaking]. St.-Petersburg, Russian
Empire: Knizhnyy magazin
V. Erikson (in Russian). 118 МБ. (Scanned by
Brovkina S. V.) Full
Mitkevich, V. F. (1912) Magnitizm i
[Magnetism and electricity.] Peterograd, Russian Empire: Izdanie
A. S. Suvorina, (in Russian). 95,1 MB.
(Scanned by
Sitkovska L. M.) Full
Osmond, F. (1890) Zhelezo i stal'.
[Iron and steel]. Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Empire: Knizhnyj magazin
G. Shmicdorf (R. Gammershmidt). (in Russian).
26.8 MB. (Scanned by Sitkovska L. M.) Full text
Pavlov, M. A. Metallurgiya chuguna.
[Pig iron metallurgy]. (4th ed.). (Vol. 2 :
Domennyy protsess [Blast-furnace process]). Leningrad ;
Moscow, USSR: GNTI literatury po chernoy i tsvetnoy metallurgii.
(in Russian). 131 MB. (Scanned by
Kornilova I. M.)
Full text
Richards, J. W. (1909) Raschyoty po
metallurgii. [Mettallurgical calculations]. (Part Special).
Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Empire: Izdanie
K. L. Rikkera. (in Russian). 61.1 MB.
(Scanned by Onufriienko M. M.) Full text
Ryabkov, G. Z. (1894) Opyt metodiki resheniya
geometricheskikh zadach na postroenіe [Experience in the
technics of
solving geometric construction problems]. Odessa, Russian
Empire: Tipografiya
A. Shultse (in Russian). 119 MB. (Scanned by
Soroka O. V.) Full
Sokolov, P. K. (1901) Obrabotka metallov i
dereva [Metal
and wood processing]. St.-Petersburg, Russian
Empire: Izdanie
V. I. Gubinskogo (in Russian). 123 MB.
(Scanned by Tarakhova N. A.) Full
Tikhonov, T. I. (1915) O babitakh.
[About babbitts]. Tomsk, Russian Empire: Tipo- litogr. Sibirskago
Tov-va Pechatnago Dela. (in Russian). 53.4 MB. (Scanned by
Sitkovska L. M.) Full
Trenkler, G. R. (1926) Tekhnika promyshlennykh
[Industrial furnace technology]. Berlin, Germany: Byuro inoctrannoj
nauki i tekhniki. (in Russian). 58.6 MB. (Scanned by
Radul M. A.) Full
Van 't Hoff, J. H. (1911). Raspolozhenie
atomov v prostranstve .
[Arrangement of atoms in space]. Moscow, Russian
Empire: Pechatnya
S. N. Yakovleva. (in Russian). 67,1 MB.
(Scanned by
Onufriienko M. M.)
Full text